Genetic algorithms are a powerful search technique that makes use of a biological metaphor: a set of candidate solutions is encoded as a population of chromosomes, and genetic operators such as crossover and mutation are applied to create a new population of solutions. This technique is capable of performing an efficient parallel search of very sparse search spaces. With the addition of a final local search phase, such as hill-climbing, effective solutions to hard practical problems can be achieved.

Applications of genetic algorithms include timetabling, scheduling, and adapting models of complex systems to fit new data. Recent work has shown that search control knowledge that controls planning strategy can be learned using genetic algorithm techniques.

Genetic Operators:

  • Crossover operators:
  • Single point rule level crossover
  • Single rule swap crossover
  • Similar action rule crossover
  • Mutation operators:
  • Rule addition mutation
  • Rule deletion mutation
  • Rule swap mutation
  • Rule condition mutation
Evaluating The Policies
  • Two forms of policy restricted planning:
  • breadth-first planning
  • first-action planning
  • Metrics tracked by the policy tester:
  • number of test problems solved
  • number of test problems solved optimally (fewest actions)
  • number of extra steps taken on average
  • number of states examined during the search